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Mark Jouppi

Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, UC Berkeley, May 2015
Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, UC Berkeley, 2014
Expertise: Computer Vision, Image Processing, Robotics, Machine Learning, Software Engineering
Graduate: Computer Vision, Optimization, Image Manipulation & Computational Photography, Robotics
Undergraduate: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Operating Systems & System Programming, Software Engineering, Networking, Databases, Efficient Algorithms & Intractable Problems, Computer Security, Embedded Systems
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markjouppi

I am a recent graduate from UC Berkeley, where I earned Master's and Bachelor's degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. My interests include computer vision, image processing, robotics, machine learning, and embedded systems. Please explore my projects on this website and feel free to contact me!

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